Our Culture

Spending time with coworkers can be challenging. People have unique goals, and varying ideas on how to get there. It is challenging to turn these natural differences into strengths, not weakness. We believe in keeping things simple, and our goals are simple. Support each other excellently, to serve the customer passionately, and ask the right questions along the way.

Our Chief Culture Officer, Todd Erickson, is positioned as a coach to make sure we do just that. Below is our culture explained in more detail. We take an equal approach to our team, valuing people as people. Whether you’re the owner, or the newest hire, you matter – the only difference is in your role and influence in the organization.


● Our people are treated excellently

● Our people are supported in their roles and responsibilities

● Our team grows and succeeds together


● We trust our team

● We value ourselves and our insights

● We value our team enough to hold them accountable

● We listen and value opposing views in a respectful and constructive way

● We grow and succeed together

Our Culture - Who We Are

Basin Safety is a company, just one of thousands in this country. We have weathered many storms in our ten years of business. We have overcome rapid growth, extreme downturns in our sector, and challenges in finding out what we are, and who we want to be as a company.

From the beginning, I wanted Basin Safety to be different. I wanted it to be a place where people were treated well, and their ideas and thoughts were valued and listened to. I wanted a business where success was shared by all the people who made us successful. Where doing the ‘right thing’ wasn’t a tag line, but something ingrained in who we are. Where excellence is an achievement we strive for in relationships, in tasks, and in service.

As an owner, I’ve asked myself over the years how an owner can make this happen. Companies need to learn how to grow a both a resilient and successful business, while developing their people, providing a quality service, and being profitable. The challenge is prioritizing which of these is the most important part of an organization. In our industry it’s common to focus on profitability and see employees as a means to achieve it. I love oil & gas and the energy sector, but my vision has always been for something more. I believe we’re different, and I want our people to experience this difference, everyday.

Why We're Different

We want to understand our people.

We ask each member of prospective team to complete an excellence profile. We do this to understand what makes our people tick. While it’s not comprehensive by any stretch, it’s a seed to understanding how people relate to information, develop goals, and coordinate with others. The goal is for our team to understand how they work as on a team and have an avenue to understand some of the basic differences and strengths each of us has.

We want our team to grow professionally and personally

Work is not who we are. Work provides on area of value in our life, but no one looks back on the entirety of their life ad thinks, “I wish I would have worked more”. We want our team to achieve their greatest potential, but not at the expense of their loved ones, personal goals, or time doing the things they are passionate about. We also want to invest in their careers so they can work on the projects and serve our customers in the most effective and incredible ways possible. This takes education, training, and experience.

We support our team

We are on this earth for a reason. For each of us that reason is different, and we all take unique paths in understanding our greatest purpose. You are here now. While you’re here, we want you to be blessed by your time at Basin Safety. Whether you’re here for a year or for the length of your career, we want you to experience growth, joy, and excellence in the workplace. We want you to take these experiences, and give them back to those in your life, and throughout your future, wherever it leads you.

We want our team to support each other

As an owner, I have wanted this more than any other thing for our company. I want our people to feel supported, encouraged, challenged and developed. This starts with me, as the owner, and extends to each person on the team. It’s hard to determine what ‘support’ really means. This doesn’t mean we don’t engage in conflict or question ideas, but that we do it in a healthy and constructive way, while being available to help each other in any way we can.

We want our team to have boundaries

Sometimes, being kind and generous can lead to others taking advantage. Just because you give your all and are vulnerable with others, it does not give them, or anyone, the right to push you beyond what is fair, or right.

We want our team to know balance

We all have conflicting priorities in life. Our goal is to ensure our people have a quality work/life balance, but also find balance in other areas of their life. When these are out of alignment, not only are our people unproductive, they are unfulfilled at work and in their personal life. We strive to help our people find balance and achieve this balance.

Balance is a Process

Finding balance takes time and leadership. We want to support our people in finding a health balance, notwithstanding negative experiences in their past work relationships.

Join our Team

We are always accepting candidates that share our vision for quality and teamwork. Click below to start the process.

Our Culture

Spending time with coworkers can be challenging. People have unique goals, and varying ideas on how to get there. It is challenging to turn these natural differences into strengths, not weakness. We believe in keeping things simple, and our goals are simple. Support each other excellently, to serve the customer passionately, and ask the right questions along the way.

Our Chief Culture Officer, Todd Erickson, is positioned as a coach to make sure we do just that. Below is our culture explained in more detail. We take an equal approach to our team, valuing people as people. Whether you’re the owner, or the newest hire, you matter – the only difference is in your role and influence in the organization.


● Our people are treated excellently

● Our people are supported in their roles and responsibilities

● Our team grows and succeeds together


● We trust our team

● We value ourselves and our insights

● We value our team enough to hold them accountable

● We listen and value opposing views in a respectful and constructive way

● We grow and succeed together

Our Culture - Who We Are

Basin Safety is a company, just one of thousands in this country. We have weathered many storms in our ten years of business. We have overcome rapid growth, extreme downturns in our sector, and challenges in finding out what we are, and who we want to be as a company.

From the beginning, I wanted Basin Safety to be different. I wanted it to be a place where people were treated well, and their ideas and thoughts were valued and listened to. I wanted a business where success was shared by all the people who made us successful. Where doing the ‘right thing’ wasn’t a tag line, but something ingrained in who we are. Where excellence is an achievement we strive for in relationships, in tasks, and in service.

As an owner, I’ve asked myself over the years how an owner can make this happen. Companies need to learn how to grow a both a resilient and successful business, while developing their people, providing a quality service, and being profitable. The challenge is prioritizing which of these is the most important part of an organization. In our industry it’s common to focus on profitability and see employees as a means to achieve it. I love oil & gas and the energy sector, but my vision has always been for something more. I believe we’re different, and I want our people to experience this difference, every day.

Why We're Different

We want to understand our people.

We ask each member of prospective team to complete an excellence profile. We do this to understand what makes our people tick. While it’s not comprehensive by any stretch, it’s a seed to understanding how people relate to information, develop goals, and coordinate with others. The goal is for our team to understand how they work as on a team and have an avenue to understand some of the basic differences and strengths each of us has.

We support our team

We are on this earth for a reason. For each of us that reason is different, and we all take unique paths in understanding our greatest purpose. You are here now. While you’re here, we want you to be blessed by your time at Basin Safety. Whether you’re here for a year or for the length of your career, we want you to experience growth, joy, and excellence in the workplace. We want you to take these experiences, and give them back to those in your life, and throughout your future, wherever it leads you.

We want our team to have boundaries

Sometimes, being kind and generous can lead to others taking advantage. Just because you give your all and are vulnerable with others, it does not give them, or anyone, the right to push you beyond what is fair, or right.

Balance is a Process

Finding balance takes time and leadership. We want to support our people in finding a health balance, notwithstanding negative experiences in their past work relationships.

We want our team to grow professionally and personally

Work is not who we are. Work provides on area of value in our life, but no one looks back on the entirety of their life ad thinks, “I wish I would have worked more”. We want our team to achieve their greatest potential, but not at the expense of their loved ones, personal goals, or time doing the things they are passionate about. We also want to invest in their careers so they can work on the projects and serve our customers in the most effective and incredible ways possible. This takes education, training, and experience.

We want our team to support each other

As an owner, I have wanted this more than any other thing for our company. I want our people to feel supported, encouraged, challenged and developed. This starts with me, as the owner, and extends to each person on the team. It’s hard to determine what ‘support’ really means. This doesn’t mean we don’t engage in conflict or question ideas, but that we do it in a healthy and constructive way, while being available to help each other in any way we can.

We want our team to know balance

We all have conflicting priorities in life. Our goal is to ensure our people have a quality work/life balance, but also find balance in other areas of their life. When these are out of alignment, not only are our people unproductive, they are unfulfilled at work and in their personal life. We strive to help our people find balance and achieve this balance.

Join our Team

We are always accepting candidates that share our vision for quality and teamwork. Click below to start the process.


4401 16th Avenue West Williston, ND 58801.

2740 Sims Street Suite B Dickinson , ND 58601

(701) 572-8140



Basin Safety believes in shared excellence. We are accountable to our core values:

● Pioneering Excellence Everyday

● Supporting each other to put customers first

● Asking the right questions, to ensure the greatest results.

Basin Safety Consulting © 2025. All rights reserved.

Powered By Upleveled Strategies


Basin Safety believes in shared excellence. We are accountable to our core values:

● Pioneering Excellence Everyday

● Supporting each other to put customers first

● Asking the right questions, to ensure the greatest results.


4401 16th Avenue West Williston, ND 58801.

2740 Sims Street Suite B Dickinson , ND 58601

(701) 572-8140


Basin Safety Consulting © 2025. All rights reserved.

Powered By Upleveled Strategies